Life insurance is a serious purchase. You need to know exactly what you’re getting in order to have a beneficial policy. Remember, your beneficiaries will count on this money after you’ve died. You want to make sure your loved ones receive the best support they can. There are different types of policies available, so it’s important to get one that best fits your situation.
Term Insurance and Permanent Insurance Life insurance policies are available in term coverage or permanent coverage. A term policy covers you for a set period of time. Once that time is up, then the policy expires. If you choose this type of policy, make sure to understand when the policy expires. Some policyholders maintain this coverage while they are dealing with specific expenses such as a mortgage or tuition. Permanent policies remain active for the duration of the policyholder’s life. Large permanent policies are often purchased to help children and grandchildren with expenses later on in life. Small permanent policies can be used to cover funeral and medical expenses. Some policyholders use permanent policies as an investment vehicle. For example, a whole life policy can build cash value over time. This value is tax-deferred in many situations and the policyholder can borrow from it, pay their premiums with it, or continue building wealth.